VINCE NEIL To Perform At Third Annual Big Machine Music City Grand Prix

May 18, 2023

The third annual Big Machine Music City Grand Prix has announced the lineup for the Freedom Friday Tribute Concert presented by Wesley Mortgage. The all-star lineup will feature artists Vince Neil (MÖTLEY CRÜE),Brian Kelley (FLORIDA-GEORGIA LINE),Chris Janson, Gavin Degraw, and other special guests along with SIXWIRE on Friday, August 4 at 7:00 p.m. on the Zyn Main Stage on the Nissan Stadium campus. Local media personality Kelly Sutton will serve as the event emcee.

Other artists slated to perform during the day are AMERICAN BLONDE, Jillian Cardarelli, Connor McCutcheon, Ryan Griffin and Zoee on the iHeart Music Stage located in the Fan Zone.

The Freedom Friday concert will honor members of the military, police, fire, first responders and frontline heroes on the opening day of the Big Machine Music City Grand Prix's three-day festival of motorsports and music in downtown Nashville. The event also continues Big Machine Music City Grand Prix's long-standing partnership with the MTSU Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center.

The 160th Special Ops Aviation Regiment will perform a helicopter aerial demonstration and a pre-concert flyover by the 101st Airborne Division. In addition, Wesley Mortgage will be providing free rides on the Ferris Wheel all weekend.

The military community is invited to visit the Patriots' Outpost, a hospitality venue for veterans hosted by the G. Harbaugh Foundation during race weekend. Located in the Bridge Building. Patriots' Outpost will be open all three days of the race. The Patriots' Outpost will have free food and drinks as well as resources provided by charity partners.

"The Music City Grand Prix has established itself as one of Nashville's most anticipated events and Wesley Mortgage is proud to be a part of the excitement," said Chuck McDowell, CEO of Wesley Mortgage. "Freedom Friday is a great way for all of us to celebrate and show appreciation for our military and first responders. Wesley Mortgage salutes these heroes!"

"We are proud to partner with Wesley Mortgage to honor the frontline heroes who serve and protect us on a daily basis — and excited to announce our Freedom Friday lineup," said Jason Rittenberry, president and COO, Big Machine Music City Grand Prix. "This is a small token of appreciation to those in the service that allow us to live lives of safety and freedom — and enjoy events like this year's Big Machine Music City Grand Prix."

All active and retired military members as well as first responders (law enforcement, fire fighters, EMTs and frontline medical workers) are eligible to receive free admission for up to four (4) general admission tickets for a full day of racing from the NTT INDYCAR SERIES, Indy Lights, GT America, Trans Am Series and Stadium SUPER Trucks along with the tribute concert. Those eligible, can use a Wesley Mortgage Freedom Friday link to receive tickets.

Music programming will complement the race programming across the three-day event weekend. The action-packed, three-day festival weekend features the NTT INDYCAR SERIES, along with Indy NXT, GT America, GR Cup, the Big Machine Spiked Cooler Trans Am TA2 Series, and Stadium SUPER Trucks.

The action-packed, three-day festival weekend features the NTT INDYCAR SERIES, along with Indy NXT, GT America, GR Cup, the Big Machine Spiked Cooler Trans Am TA2 Series and Stadium SUPER Trucks.

Ticket options are available at Other premium hospitality options can be purchased by calling (615) 270-8705 or via email at

Tickets for the Big Machine Music City Grand Prix are digital, and all fans must adhere to the Nissan Stadium rules and regulations, including the clear bag policy.

For a complete list of FAQs on ticketing and race weekend policies, please visit

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